Nanny Janny's Jersey Ice Cream
Dairy Icecream

Opening Hours:
Check website for regular markets.
Farming at 1000ft in the South Shropshire Hills (an area of outstanding natural beauty) is a challenge but our small herd of pedigree Jersey cows have coped well, although they are not greatly impressed by either the rainfall or the snow.
The ice cream is made on the farm, in Nanny Janny’s special ‘Ice Cream room’. It is made in small batches, from the best ingredients and without artificial colouring or artificial sugars. Nanny Janny’s recipes are simple, seasonal and made to taste (to take into account different varieties of fruit).
Seasonal ice creams produced include Rhubarb, Strawberry, Summer Berries, Gooseberry, Damson and Wimberry.
All year round flavours include Vanilla, Chocolate, Mint Choc, Honeycomb, Rum & Raisin, Malibu, Mocha, Coffee, Stem ginger and Irish Cream.